Objection to development in Brailsford
CPRE Derbyshire objects to the planned erection of 33 houses, vehicular access, public open space, drainage, landscaping and associated works on land to the south of Mercaston Lane and east of Luke Lane in Brailsford.
We object primarily because the site was not included in the approved Local Plan and in fact was deemed unsuitable for development in the assessment of sites to include in the plan. It is therefore outside the Brailsford settlement boundary.
Additionally, the site is good quality agricultural land in open countryside and should be preserved as such.
Brailsford has already seen more than 170 new dwellings approved, and any further development would be unsustainable and destroy the rural character of the village.
Finally, Luke Lane is experiencing traffic problems as a result of recent developments and cannot accommodate the additional traffic this development would generate.