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Denby Hall Business Park expansion to go ahead, despite objections


We have recently been informed of a planning appeal decision, allowing the expansion of Denby Hall Business Park into the Green Belt.

We have opposed this at all stages, arguing that it is not ‘exceptional’ and does not warrant breaching Green Belt regulations. The Planning Inspector did agree with this, but allowed the appeal for a number of other reasons, including:

  • Although it would harm the openness of the area, it would be limited.
  • There was an agreed aim to reduce the overall landscape impact.
  • There were no reasonable alternatives for the specific locational and floorspace needs of the three businesses involved.
  • It would create needed employment.

He concluded that ‘very special circumstances’ exist to justify the development. This is a very disappointing outcome, especially after the Local Planning Authority had also agreed that it did not warrant an incursion into the Green Belt.

Denby Hall Business Park site Google Maps / Getmapping PLC, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky Maxar Technologies