Crich Quarry proposals – our objection
We have submitted a formal objection to Derbyshire County Council for planning permission at Crich Quarry.
The proposed development is for an ‘alternative form of restoration’ and redevelopment of Crich Quarry for a mixed use leisure development on approximately 43 acres of land. We have significant concerns about the impact that this development would have.
Landscape character and biodiversity
We argue that the the proposal will have a significant adverse impact on publicly accessible and beautiful landscape views. The quarry is testament to the rich heritage of the area and while it might look undesirable to some, we think that tree planting and rewilding would be a far better way to improve the space, enhance local diversity and prevent damage to landscape character
The proposal will have a huge impact on the special character of the Crich Stand Local Green Space – this designation must be protected and was given because of the importance of the space to the residents and wider communities.
We’re also not satisfied that a sufficient assessment has been conducted on the ecological impact of the development.
Traffic, noise and light pollution impact
With traffic flow already at saturation point in Crich (particularly during summer), any additional development will only serve to exacerbate this issue – let alone one of the proposed size. The Transport Assessment offers no realistic traffic management measures or provision of parking locations. Crich is a small village with a small infrastructure and we feel this development is not suitable as a result.
The rural tranquillity of Crich would also be impacted – the outdoor activities would result in noise and light pollution which would be difficult to mitigate.
Conflicts with neighbourhood plan
The development is at odds with the neighbourhood plan and the National Planning Policy Framework on numerous counts: it sits outside the ‘settlement development boundary’ and fails to conserve the landscape character of the area. Additionally, the development does not harmonise with the surrounding environment and its scale and density is not appropriate to the size of the village.
Moving forward
We strongly object to the proposals as they stand, but are open to discussion with relevant third parties to find alternative and more suitable options for Crich Quarry in a way that serves the local and wider communities better, and protects the character of the landscape.